Besides Lessons…

To our mind, being an Educator means to be involved in a triangular relationship. The child is on the top angle, whilst the parent and the teacher are on the other two on the basis. Both parties direct their efforts onwards, to the kid. A strong bond is to be established for the kid to be helped the best way possible.

Being an Educator also includes being engaged in multiple ways. It’s not just teaching the subject, no matter its importance or the methods to be used. The role of the Teacher is to suggest, to pave the way to new, unexplored areas, to shed light where ignorance or disinterest prevail. Our aim is to sensitize, to activate or in some cases, to create ex nihilo and cultivate positive roles. Whether the student follows or not is another issue altogether.

All these years we have been trying to make different suggestions, which could hopefully stimulate and make a difference. We have organized a series of psychodrama seminars focusing on our relationships with our kids, vocational guidance seminars, nutrition seminars, we have attended different plays, we have collected groceries for the Welfare Services of our Municipality, we have organized theatrical play sessions, we have watched movies, we have written scripts based on our students’ writings and directed films, we have adapted poems and literature into plays, we have organized events that motivate our children in ways they hadn’t imagined before. Education is permanent.


A seminar about the effects of healthy eating on studying conducted by Isabella Mouratian.


Vocational Guidance

Pictures of the first of the two vocational guidance seminars that have taken place in our premises.


Theatrical Play

Forging bonds and improvisation.


‘You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.’

Watching ‘Little Prince’ at Danaos Theatre.
